
How blockchain is changing healthcare

How blockchain is changing healthcare

Beyond its original use in securing cryptocurrency, blockchain technology is making waves across various industries, with healthcare being a prime example. This innovative technology holds immense potential to revolutionize how medical data is handled. In this article, we delve deeper into the inner workings of blockchain and its growing significance in the healthcare landscape. What […]

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Defending healthcare data: How to keep PHI safe from cyberattacks

Defending healthcare data: How to keep PHI safe from cyberattacks

Safeguarding protected health information (PHI) is vital for healthcare institutions worldwide. PHI, which encompasses a broad spectrum of data from medical records to financial information related to healthcare, remains a prime target for cybercriminals. The integrity and confidentiality of this information are not only critical for compliance with privacy laws but are fundamental to maintaining

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The verdict on EHRs: Is the shift from paper records in healthcare worth it?

The verdict on EHRs: Is the shift from paper records in healthcare worth it?

In recent years, there has been a significant push toward digitizing healthcare records. The traditional method of using paper charts and files to store patient information is quickly becoming outdated, with more and more healthcare providers making the switch to electronic health records (EHRs). But is this shift worth it? Are EHRs truly more valuable

The verdict on EHRs: Is the shift from paper records in healthcare worth it? Read More »

Data driven interventions: Preventing readmissions before they happen

Data-driven interventions: Preventing readmissions before they happen

The traditional reactive approach to healthcare — treating patients after they fall ill — is undergoing a profound shift. Today, because of big data, healthcare professionals have the power to be proactive: to anticipate and prevent illness before it takes hold. We see this in the use of big data to prevent hospital readmissions, which

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How is telemedicine revolutionizing healthcare?

How is telemedicine revolutionizing healthcare?

The worlds of technology and healthcare are colliding like never before, and telemedicine is leading the charge. This article breaks down how telemedicine is changing the game by combining modern tech with traditional doctor visits — imagine virtual checkups, remote monitoring, and doctors who can talk to each other easily, all through a screen. We’ll

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Choosing the right EHR hardware for your practice

Choosing the right EHR hardware for your practice

The right electronic health record (EHR) hardware can make your practice more efficient, productive, and secure. It can streamline your workflow, improve patient care, and ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements. However, with so many options out there, how do you pick the right hardware for your practice? This guide will delve into the

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The role of mobile device management in healthcare

The role of mobile device management in healthcare

Mobile devices have become indispensable tools in the healthcare industry. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers use mobile devices to access patient records, order medications, and communicate with colleagues. This increased use of mobile devices has created new challenges for healthcare organizations, including in areas of security and compliance. In the following sections, we’ll explore

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