
Spotty home Wi-Fi? Try wireless repeaters and access points

Residential Wi-Fi connections are slower and less reliable than enterprise-grade ones. But now that more people have shifted to remote work, having a fast and stable wireless connection at home is more important than ever. What can you do to ensure you don’t suffer dropped Wi-Fi signals while you’re in a videoconference or finishing up […]

Spotty home Wi-Fi? Try wireless repeaters and access points Read More »

Why UPS is necessary for network equipment

Fire, flood, storm, and other disasters can lead to power failure and productivity loss. Using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for computers ensures you never lose unsaved work, but without the internet, you’re practically crippled. To avoid that dilemma, we highly recommend using UPS for your networking equipment, including cable modems, wireless access points, and

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Should you use UPS for your network gear?

Smart business owners use uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for emergency situations like a storm, fire, or other disasters. Often, a UPS is deployed for desktop computers to give employees ample time to save their work and prevent losing unsaved work. An even better power-saving strategy in emergency situations, however, is to use UPS for networking

Should you use UPS for your network gear? Read More »

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